The Unique Group of companies comprises of Unique Solutions, Unique Energy, Unique Global, Unique Industries and The Unique Foundation. The Unique Foundation was formed to be the Group’s window to give back to the community. As every company has its cooperate social responsibility, The Group created The Unique Foundation as a means of giving back to the community.
On May 16th, 2020 during The Holy month of Ramadan, The Unique Foundation conducted an Iftarr at the Serrekunda General Hospital were several patients and staff benefited. At the said event, Food, Water and Sanitary items were distributed. These were not only served at the Foundation’s Medical Ward but in all other wards of the hospital which included, the maternity and Pediatric ward.
Fatou Hughes, the Foundation Coordinator took part in the serving of food to the beneficiary were by staff also helped. All people present broke their fast at the event.
The entire staff, management and hospital patients were thankful and showed their appreciation in the form of prayers. The Unique Foundation as a company is a sole sponsor for the “Medical Ward” at the Serrekunda General Hospital since its inception and has ever provided the needs for the said ward.
This is part of the group companies’ Cooperate Social responsibilities to give back to the community through the Group foundation “The Unique Foundation”.
Good Stuff